Our company of friendly and professional carers will take care of your needs whether you require help with everyday tasks such as cleaning, food preparation and shopping or assistance with medication, on a regular or round-the-clock basis...
Each client has different needs depending on their physical or psychological capabilities at any given time. We provide adaptable care that is appropriate for the person in our care having carefully assessed and conversed with the client and / or their family. Below you'll see what that personalised care package can include. This care can be provided on an ad hoc, regular or 24 hour (round the clock) basis.
Can include visits from 30-60 minutes or overnight care. We also offer respite care or enablement care a few hours each week, or an intensive period to work towards a specific objective.
Round the clock care as and when required or care at hours to suit the client on a regular or ad hoc basis.
As well as the trauma the client may be experiencing as part of their condition, we understand the strains dementia can put on close family. Our specialist staff are fully trained in this area and are able to understand the many emotions that people with this condition and their families, can go through.
People can receive end of life care at home, depending on their needs and preferences. Whatever has brought a person to the end of their life, be it a life-limiting condition or old age, end of life care aims to manage pain and other symptoms so they are as comfortable as possible.
After carrying out an informal assessment of the needs and wishes of our client and where possible, in consultation with their family, we will tailor a care package that suits the daily needs and preferences of the individual. We will talk about their interests and capabilities and we may also advise as to any specialist equipment that might be needed at their home.
Ask us about our care packages
We understand the importance of good personal hygiene. Various levels of support are provided as required.
Whether it be medication prompting, assistance or administration. All staff are trained and undergo a medication competency assessment.
We are able to provide short term care for those times of need.
All staff are open minded and willing to support and engage with your lifestyle choices and daily interests
Whether it be for companionship within your home or support to access the community, we are happy to help and assist.
If required, we will support with a variety of household tasks to maintain the cleanliness of your home.
We are able to assist our clients out to the shops or provide a shopping service for them. Transaction forms are completed and logged for each visit.
Meals of your choice prepared and served, catering for your dietary needs and assistance with eating if required.
Support attending appointments can be arranged as required.